Partially Closed Aug-Oct & New Denver Show 9/7-9/15

What's Happening:

Until mid-October, I won't be fulfilling orders for engraved bases. I will continue to ship mintack and flashlight orders promptly, however, and will respond to most emails, eventually. If you don't mind waiting until October, you can still order engraved bases now, but please don't expect them Halloween-ish if you do. If you have an urgent need, or just a question, or want to get on the waitlist for milled bases, please shoot me an email at


I hate having to close the store. It's not just a source of income for me, I love my job and I want to be there for my customers whenever the orders come in. Most of the year, that's what I do. Unfortunately, I'm down an employee this summer, and as a one-man show there's not always enough of me to fulfill orders in a timely manner. In two weeks, I have many milled bases due for clients at the Denver Hardrock show, and I need to make sure I can keep those promises, plus prepare my own rocks and display setup for Stone Throne's Denver booth (MP.110 at Hardrock, Market Pavillion Tents). Then, I can't fulfill orders while I'm away at the show of course. I'll only be back in Tucson for a day, then I'm off to Herkimer, New York for a few weeks of mining. When I get back, I'll have a lot of catching up and unpacking to do before I'll be able to work on new orders. However, the second I'm capable of fulfilling engraved orders again, I promise I'll reopen and will happily ship you everything that your heart desires! I'll also be hiring a new employee when I return from Herkimer, so we can get orders out faster and hopefully no more downtime. When exactly our grand re-opening day will be, I don't know, but sometime in October is my best estimate right now. I'll keep you posted with a new announcement here, and via email, if you're subscribed to our newsletter (you can sign up near the bottom of the homepage if not). I hope to see you soon in Denver, but if not, I'll look forward to seeing you here in the fall!

I seriously can't thank every one of you enough for your understanding and support. I truly have the best customers and I'm forever grateful you enable me to do this wonderful work.

Wishing you all the best in the world these next couple months,


Owner, and wearer of many hats.


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